A first in 100 years
The Château Louis the 14th is a recent construction, inspired by the magnificent classical palaces built during the reign of the famous French king.

A unique architectural feat for our time, the 5000 sq. mr castle is located in Louveciennes, 20 minutes away from Versailles.

This project was named Chateau Louis XIV in honor of the eponymous king and his love for architecture. At the beginning of the 21st century, this was a challenge both in terms of design and execution.
It had to be designed in such a way as to provide all the modern comforts essential to this type of residence, as well as to meet current building standards. For the construction, the aesthetics and spirit of a Louis XIV building had to be respected in a brand new structure.

The BELLE ÉPOQUE collection
During the construction of the Chateau, 23 towel warmers from the CINIER BELLE ÉPOQUE collection were chosen by the architects and installed in all of the Chateau’s bathrooms.
The BELLE ÉPOQUE towel warmers combine the purest classical style with excellence in workmanship and finish. Their elegance and reliability create an atmosphere of authentic and aesthetic values.
The models manufactured for the Chateau are in fully electric version.

New owner & new bathroom
A few years later, the Prince of Saudi Arabia bought the property and decided to make some changes. The architects from London decided to renovate eight of the castle’s bathrooms.
Eight new CINIER towel warmers in a custom-made version were then manufactured for this project.
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